Combine Invoices Guide
The Combine Invoices feature ensures an efficient customer experience. It brings together, in a couple of clicks, all unpaid items from the same seller into one invoice. The feature is available for both sellers and buyers. And, it's rewarding at both ends: sellers don't have to keep contacting users regarding the combination of multiple items, and it ensure a lower shipping fee for the customer.
From the My Sales menu (Home -> Members Area -> Selling -> My Sales), select an invoice and click Combine Invoices (second button on the sidebar).
Multiple purchases from the same seller will be listed in the next screen:
Important: Sellers can combine purchases only if:
- Sale Transaction fees are paid
- Items prices are in the same currency
- Items are in the same location
- Items have the same tax charges status (if taxes are enabled)
- Items have the same pick-up option selected
Note: Sellers can edit from the invoice:
- Item Price
- Shipping Address
- Postage Method
- Tax Rate
and can opt to - Apply Insurance
Buyer can only Combine Purchases
"If enabled", then buyers can combine purchased items from the same seller into a single invoice.
Important: Only non-invoiced items can be combined.
From the Purchases menu (Home -> Members Area -> Buying -> Purchases) select an Invoice:
Buyers can edit from the invoice:
- Shipping Address
- Postage Method
and can opt to - Apply Insurance
Note: Buyers must follow the same rules as sellers when combining invoices.